Текущий архив: 2007.02.25;
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ВнизAttachConsole - как вызвать? Найти похожие ветки
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kay © (2006-10-15 12:58) [0]Какой юнит необходимо добавить, чтобы можно было вызывать эту функцию?
уже используются модули TlHelp32 и Windows, но функция не вызывается:
[Error] main.pas(566): Undeclared identifier: "attachconsole"
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Орион © (2006-10-15 13:06) [1]AllocConsole
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ors_archangel © (2006-10-15 15:39) [2]Орион, нет, именно Attach - присоединяемся к другой консоли
Дело в том, что Борландцы-молодцы не любят включать в Windows.pas что-нить, что не идёт под W98, даже динамически, поэтому никакого модуля (стандартного) нет, сам пиши
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Орион © (2006-10-15 15:41) [3]AttachConsole
Attaches the calling process to the console of the specified process.BOOL WINAPI AttachConsole(
DWORD dwProcessId
[in] Identifier of the process. This parameter can be following value.
Value Meaning
(DWORD)-1 Identifies the console of the parent of the current process as the console to be attached.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
The calling application can call any of the console functions. For example, a graphical application can use the console to display debugging output.
A process can be attached to one console. If the calling process is already attached to a console, AttachConsole fails with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
A process can use the FreeConsole function to detach itself from its console. If other processes share the console, the console is not destroyed, but the process that called FreeConsole cannot refer to it. A console is closed when the last process attached to it terminates or calls FreeConsole.
To compile an application that uses this function, define _WIN32_WINNT as 0x0500 or later. For more information, see Using the SDK Headers.
Client Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP.
Server Requires Windows Server "Longhorn" or Windows Server 2003.
Declared in Wincon.h; include Windows.h.
Use Kernel32.lib.
DLL Requires Kernel32.dll.
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Орион © (2006-10-15 15:42) [4]> [0] kay © (15.10.06 12:58)
надеюсь [3] тебе достаточно?
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Ketmar © (2006-10-15 18:45) [5]есть джедаи. а в них, кажется, очень много вкусного. %-)
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