Текущий архив: 2007.09.16;
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ВнизKOLComServ? Найти похожие ветки
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Jon © (2007-01-25 21:12) [0]Is there an equivalent of ComServ.pas for KOL?
I am creating an activex library and require the following:
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Vladimir Kladov (2007-01-26 15:03) [1]No. There is only KOLActive to create ActiveX clients (for Delphi5, Delphi6 some changes necessary).
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Thaddy (2007-01-26 18:02) [2]Yes ;) Jon, I have found something, a simple but working KOL activeX control, but it is rather quirky and hard to understand definitily superhacked code. If you"re not afraid already, I send it to your private email address.
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Jon © (2007-01-26 18:49) [3]Wow - thank you Thaddy! I eagerly await it :-D
I was ready to add this as a request to the thread:
Всем: Какие компоненты хотелось бы видеть в KOL?
I hate to have a really simple control at 400+kb :-(
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