Текущий архив: 2003.01.30;
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LelikJan (2003-01-21 09:32) [0]Как измерить свой Object не в Pixels, а в сантиметрах.
За ранее благодарю Lelik
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MBo (2003-01-21 09:34) [1]А в пикселах он все-таки длиннее ;))) (© 38 попугаев)
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Думкин (2003-01-21 09:40) [2]Indicates the number of screen pixels that make up a logical inch in the vertical direction.
property PixelsPerInch: Integer;
Read PixelsPerInch to convert between measurements in pixels and measurements in logical inches. PixelsPerInch is only accurate for vertical measurements. Most screens have a different scaling factor for horizontal measurements. The value in PixelsPerInch is set from system when the application loads.
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