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Текущий архив: 2004.02.17;
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ВнизTMemIniFile Найти похожие ветки
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Grinder (2004-02-05 14:16) [0]Чем TMemIniFile отличается от TiniFile и где используется?
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real_dimedrol (2004-02-05 17:26) [1]Одно не ясно, зачем тогда писался Help???
Unlike the TIniFile object, which also encapsulates INI file data, TMemIniFile buffers all changes to the INI file. The INI file is read once, when the object is first created. Data from the INI file is stored in nested TString objects. Each section in the INI file occupies one element in the top-most TStrings object, and each element in this may itself contain a TStrings object. Each element in each of the contained TStrings object represents a key within the section. After the data is read, any changes to the data are stored in memory. A method is provided to write the data from memory to the associated INI file.
All TMemIniFile methods to read, write, and erase sections, keys, and values operate on the in-memory copy of the INI file.
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real_dimedrol (2004-02-05 17:30) [2]Суть сего в том, что TMemIniFile работает с собственным буфером.
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Grinder (2004-02-06 15:58) [3]А я думал 64 Kb просто преодолевает :)
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Форум: "Основная";
Текущий архив: 2004.02.17;
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