Текущий архив: 2009.03.01;
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ВнизКурсоры Найти похожие ветки
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Mr.Vlad (2007-04-30 23:28) [0]Для хорошей игры нужны хорошие курсоры. Скачал пару, а как вставить в Delphi не знаю. (Cur1.ani-файл)
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Мистер Т (2007-05-01 08:00) [1]DirectX, OpenGL ?
А если WinAPI - читай документацию:
The LoadCursorFromFile function creates a cursor based on data contained in a file. The file is specified by its name or by a system cursor identifier. The function returns a handle to the newly created cursor. Files containing cursor data may be in either cursor (.CUR) or animated cursor (.ANI) format.
SyntaxHCURSOR LoadCursorFromFile(
LPCTSTR lpFileName
[in] Specifies the source of the file data to be used to create the cursor. The data in the file must be in either .CUR or .ANI format.
If the high-order word of lpFileName is nonzero, it is a pointer to a string that is a fully qualified name of a file containing cursor data.
If the high-order word of lpFileName is zero, the low-order word is a system cursor identifier. The function then searches the [cursors]section in the WIN.INI file for the file associated with the name of that system cursor. For a list of cursor identifiers, see Remarks.
Return Value
If the function is successful, the return value is a handle to the new cursor.
If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. GetLastError may return the following value:
Value Meaning
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND The specified file cannot be found.
И потом про функции:
* SetCursor
* SetCursorPos
* ShowCursor
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Текущий архив: 2009.03.01;
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