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Текущий архив: 2004.10.24;
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Информация о видеофайле   Найти похожие ветки 

Anf   (2004-07-30 16:53) [0]

Каким образом узнать в программе информацию о видеофайле, например об AVI?
Интересует длительность, видеониформация (кодек, размеры, частота кадров), аудиоинформация (битрейт, формат звука) количество потоков и т.п.

antonn   (2004-07-30 17:14) [1]

Где-то откопал старый пример:

// First, put a memo, button and a open dialog on an empty form.
// Then use the following code to show the information of a avi file.

unit Unit1;


 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

 TForm1 = class(TForm)
   Button1: TButton;
   Memo1: TMemo;
   OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
   procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   { Private declarations }
   { Public declarations }
   procedure ReadAviInfo(FileName: string);


 Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.DFM}

procedure TForm1.ReadAviInfo(FileName: string);
 iFileHandle: Integer; // File handle

 // Needed for positioning in the avi file
 Aviheadersize: integer;
 Vheadersize: integer;
 Aviheaderstart: integer;
 Vheaderstart: integer;
 Aheaderstart: integer;
 Astrhsize: integer;

 // Temporary values
 TempTest: String[5];
 TempSize: Integer;
 TempVcodec: String[5];
 TempAcodec: integer;
 TempMicrosec: integer;
 TempLengthInFrames: integer;
 TempAchannels: integer;
 TempAsamplerate: integer;
 TempAbitrate: integer;

 // Final values
 Size: double;
 Length: string;
 Vcodec: string;
 Vbitrate: double;
 VWidth: integer;
 VHeight: integer;
 Fps: double;

 LengthInSec: double;
 Acodec: string;
 Abitrate: string;
 // Open the file
 iFileHandle := FileOpen(FileName, fmOpenRead);

 // Test to see if file is AVI
 FileSeek(iFileHandle, 7, 0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempTest, 5);
 if copy(TempTest, 0, 4) <> "AVI " then
   MessageDlg("Could not open " + FileName +
     " because it is not a valid video file", mtError, [mbOk], 0);

 // File size
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempSize, 4);

 // Avi header size (needed to locate the audio part)
 FileRead(iFileHandle, Aviheadersize, 4);

 // Avi header start (needed to locate the video part)
 Aviheaderstart := 32;

 // Microseconds (1000000 / TempMicrosec = fps)
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempMicrosec, 4);

 // Length of movie in frames
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aviheaderstart + 16,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempLengthInFrames, 4);

 // Width
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aviheaderstart + 32,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, VWidth, 4);

 // Height
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aviheaderstart + 36,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, VHeight, 4);

 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aviheaderstart + Aviheadersize + 4,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, Vheadersize, 4);

 Vheaderstart := Aviheaderstart + Aviheadersize + 20;

 // Video codec
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Vheaderstart + 3,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempVCodec, 5);

 Aheaderstart := Vheaderstart + Vheadersize + 8;

 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aheaderstart - 4,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, Astrhsize, 5);

 // Audio codec
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aheaderstart + Astrhsize + 8,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempACodec, 2);

 // Audio channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aheaderstart + Astrhsize + 10,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempAchannels, 2);

 // Audio samplerate
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aheaderstart + Astrhsize + 12,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempAsamplerate, 4);

 // Audio bitrate
 FileSeek(iFileHandle,Aheaderstart + Astrhsize + 16,0);
 FileRead(iFileHandle, TempAbitrate, 4);

 // Close the file

 // Analyse the video codec (more can be added)
 Vcodec := copy(TempVcodec, 0, 4);
 if Vcodec = "div2" then Vcodec := "MS MPEG4 v2"
 else if Vcodec = "DIV2" then Vcodec := "MS MPEG4 v2"
 else if Vcodec = "div3" then Vcodec := "DivX;-) MPEG4 v3"
 else if Vcodec = "DIV3" then Vcodec := "DivX;-) MPEG4 v3"
 else if Vcodec = "div4" then Vcodec := "DivX;-) MPEG4 v4"
 else if Vcodec = "DIV4" then Vcodec := "DivX;-) MPEG4 v4"
 else if Vcodec = "div5" then Vcodec := "DivX;-) MPEG4 v5"
 else if Vcodec = "DIV5" then Vcodec := "DivX;-) MPEG4 v5"
 else if Vcodec = "divx" then Vcodec := "DivX 4"
 else if Vcodec = "mp43" then Vcodec := "Microcrap MPEG4 v3";

 // Analyse the audio codec (more can be added)
 case TempAcodec of
   0: Acodec := "PCM";
   1: Acodec := "PCM";
   85: Acodec := "MPEG Layer 3";
   353: Acodec := "DivX;-) Audio";
   8192: Acodec := "AC3-Digital";
   Acodec := "Unknown (" + IntToStr(TempAcodec) + ")";

 case (Trunc(TempAbitrate / 1024 * 8)) of
   246..260: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   216..228: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   187..196: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   156..164: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   124..132: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   108..116: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   92..100: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   60..68: Abitrate := "128 Kbit/s";
   Abitrate := FormatFloat("# Kbit/s", TempAbitrate / 1024 * 8);

 // Some final calculations
 Size := TempSize / 1024 / 1024;
 Fps := 1000000 / TempMicrosec; // FPS
 LengthInSec := TempLengthInFrames / fps; // Length in seconds
 Length := FormatFloat("# min", Int(LengthInSec / 60)) +
   FormatFloat(" # sec", Round(LengthInSec - (Int(LengthInSec / 60) * 60)));
 Vbitrate := (TempSize / LengthInSec - TempABitrate) / 1024 * 8;

 // Output information to memo field
 Memo1.Lines.Add("AVI INFORMATION");
 Memo1.lines.Add("Size: " + FormatFloat("#.## MB",Size));
 Memo1.Lines.Add("Length: " + Length);
 Memo1.Lines.Add("VIDEO INFORMATION");
 Memo1.Lines.Add("Codec: " + Vcodec);
 Memo1.Lines.Add("Bitrate: " + FormatFloat("# Kbit/s", Vbitrate));
 Memo1.lines.Add("Width: " + IntToStr(VWidth) + " px");
 Memo1.lines.Add("Height: " + IntToStr(VHeight) + " px");
 Memo1.Lines.Add("FPS: " + FormatFloat("#.##", fps));
 Memo1.Lines.Add("AUDIO INFORMATION");
 Memo1.Lines.Add("Codec: " + Acodec);
 Memo1.Lines.Add("Bitrate: " + Abitrate);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 OpenDialog1.Filter := "AVI files (*.avi)|*.avi";
 if OpenDialog1.Execute then


От себя добавлю - заменить первый цикл:

if (copy(FTempTest, 0, 4) <> "AVI ") and  (copy(FTempTest, 0, 4) <> "A") and (copy(FTempTest, 0, 4) <> "AV") and (copy(FTempTest, 0, 1) <> "A") and (copy(FTempTest, 0, 1) <> "C") then
         MessageDlg("Could not open " + FileName +
           " because it is not a valid video file", mtError, [mbOk], 0);


Anf   (2004-07-30 17:24) [2]

Понятно, спасибо.

antonn   (2004-07-30 17:30) [3]

Кстати, можно видео-кодеков добавить:

else if FVcodec = "yvu9" then FVcodec := "Intel Indeo(C)Video Raw R1.2"
 else if FVcodec = "cvid" then FVcodec := "Cinepak Codec by CTi"
 else if FVcodec = "3ivx" then FVcodec := "3ivx D4 4.0.4"
 else if FVcodec = "mdvd" then FVcodec := "MicroDVD Video Decodec"
 else if FVcodec = "vcr2" then FVcodec := "ATI VCR2 Format Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "yv12" then FVcodec := "ATI YUV12 Format Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "aflc" then FVcodec := "Autodesk FLC Compressor"
 else if FVcodec = "aasc" then FVcodec := "Autodesk RLE Compressor"
 else if FVcodec = "wrpr" then FVcodec := "AVI Wrapper Video Client Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "avrn" then FVcodec := "Avid Avi Codec 2.0d2"
 else if FVcodec = "mszh" then FVcodec := "AVImszh Compressor"
 else if FVcodec = "zlib" then FVcodec := "AVIzlib Compressor"
 else if FVcodec = "bt20" then FVcodec := "Brooktree ProSumer Video (32)"
 else if FVcodec = "y41p" then FVcodec := "Brooktree YUV 411 Raw"
 else if FVcodec = "cscd" then FVcodec := "CamStudio Lossless Codec v1.0"
 else if FVcodec = "ddvc" then FVcodec := "Canopus Soft DVSD Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "cdvc" then FVcodec := "Canopus Software DV Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "png1" then FVcodec := "CorePNG VFW Codec v0.6"
 else if FVcodec = "dcmj" then FVcodec := "dcmj MainConcept Video V3.00a"
 else if FVcodec = "dvx4" then FVcodec := "DivX Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "advs" then FVcodec := "DVSoft (TM)"
 else if FVcodec = "em2v" then FVcodec := "Etymonix MPEG-2 Video Codec v1.10"
 else if FVcodec = "frwd" then FVcodec := "Forward JPEG"
 else if FVcodec = "frwt" then FVcodec := "Forward JPEG+Alpha"
 else if FVcodec = "frwu" then FVcodec := "Forward Uncompressed"
 else if FVcodec = "fps1" then FVcodec := "Fraps Video Decompressor"
 else if FVcodec = "mkvc" then FVcodec := "FullMotionVideo Decoder"
 else if FVcodec = "glzw" then FVcodec := "GLZW 1.00"
 else if FVcodec = "gpeg" then FVcodec := "GPEF 1.00"
 else if FVcodec = "hfyu" then FVcodec := "Huffyuv v2.1.1 - CCESP Path v0.2.2"
 else if FVcodec = "iv50" then FVcodec := "Indeo(c) video 5.10"
 else if FVcodec = "i420" then FVcodec := "Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50"
 else if FVcodec = "i263" then FVcodec := "Intel I.263 Video Driver 2.55.016"
 else if FVcodec = "iv41" then FVcodec := "Intel Indeo(R) Video Interactive"
 else if FVcodec = "iv32" then FVcodec := "Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2"
 else if FVcodec = "yvu9" then FVcodec := "Intel Indeo(C) Video Raw R1.2"
 else if FVcodec = "lead" then FVcodec := "LEAD MCMP/MJPEG Codec (VFW)"
 else if FVcodec = "dvsd" then FVcodec := "MainConcept DV Codec 2.0.4"
 else if FVcodec = "dv25" then FVcodec := "Matrox DVCPRO"
 else if FVcodec = "dv50" then FVcodec := "Matrox DVCPRO50"
 else if FVcodec = "mmes" then FVcodec := "Matrox MPEG-2 I-frame"
 else if FVcodec = "m261" then FVcodec := "Microsoft H.261 Video Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "m263" then FVcodec := "Microsoft H.263 Video Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "mrle" then FVcodec := "Microsoft RLE"
 else if FVcodec = "msvc" then FVcodec := "Microsoft Video 1"
 else if FVcodec = "wmv3" then FVcodec := "Microsoft Windows Media Video 9"
 else if FVcodec = "vixl" then FVcodec := "MiroVideo-XL 32-bit Compressor"
 else if FVcodec = "fljp" then FVcodec := "Morgan FLJP LSI M-JPEG Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "dmb1" then FVcodec := "Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG V3 Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "mjpg" then FVcodec := "Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG V3 Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "mj2c" then FVcodec := "Morgan Multimedia M-JPEG2000 V1 Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "tvmj" then FVcodec := "Morgan TVMJ LSI M-JPEG Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "mwv1" then FVcodec := "MotionWavelets by Aware"
 else if FVcodec = "nt00" then FVcodec := "Newtek Inc. version 0.0"
 else if FVcodec = "ipdv" then FVcodec := "Panasonic and I-O DATA DV GigaAVI CODEC"
 else if FVcodec = "pdvc" then FVcodec := "Panasonic and I-O DATA DV GigaAVI CODEC"
 else if FVcodec = "pim1" then FVcodec := "PCLEPIM1 32-bit Compressor"
 else if FVcodec = "pimj" then FVcodec := "PICVideo Lossless LPEG Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "mjpx" then FVcodec := "PICVideo MJPEG Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "pvw2" then FVcodec := "PICVideo Wavelet 2000 Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "miro" then FVcodec := "Pinnacle DV codec"
 else if FVcodec = "qpeg" then FVcodec := "QPEG(C) Video Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "mjpa" then FVcodec := "ReelTime MJPEG Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "rud0" then FVcodec := "Rududu Encoder ver 0"
 else if FVcodec = "rmp4" then FVcodec := "Sigma RMP4 MPEG-4 codec"
 else if FVcodec = "sony" then FVcodec := "Sony DV software CODEC"
 else if FVcodec = "tscc" then FVcodec := "TECHSmith SCREEN Capture Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "s422" then FVcodec := "Tekram YUV422 Codec"
 else if FVcodec = "vifp" then FVcodec := "VFAPI reader Cxodec 1.05"

Страницы: 1 вся ветка

Форум: "Media";
Текущий архив: 2004.10.24;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


Память: 0.49 MB
Время: 0.033 c
2004-10-06 14:55
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Номер записи в таблицах InterBase

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редактирование реестра запрещено администратором системы

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