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Текущий архив: 2003.03.24;
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CDText   Найти похожие ветки 

stone   (2003-01-14 11:59) [0]

Как прочитать текст из CDText?

MBo   (2003-01-14 14:16) [1]

а что это такое?

Chubais   (2003-01-14 15:51) [2]

точна! а чо эта такое? а? чо эт такое? никто не знает, чо это такое! так что как прочитать аттудава текст-дело десятое
на повестке дня: чо такое CDText!!!!!!

stone   (2003-01-27 16:29) [3]

What is CD Text
Essentially CD Text is a extension of the existing audio CD standard ("Red Book") that adds the ability to store text and graphical information like album titles, artist names, and song titles on a music CD. This information is stored in such a way that it doesn"t interfere with the normal operation of any CD players or CDROM drives. There is quite a bit of confusion about the standard because there are two different parts of the CD where the data can be stored.

The first place the information can be recorded is in the R-W sub codes in the lead in area of the CD giving a data capacity of about 2,500 characters with Kanji, and about 5,000 characters with alphabet/numbers. This information is stored as a single block of data and is the format used in virtually all of the CD Text CDs shipping today. The method for reading this data from a cdrom drive is covered under the Sony proposal to the MMC spec. The format of the data is partially covered in the MMC spec.

The second place the information can be recorded is in the R-W sub codes in the program area of the CD giving a data capacity of roughly 31MB. This information is stored in a format that follows the Interactive Text Transmission System (ITTS) which is the same data transmission standard used by such things as Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), and virtually the same as the data standard for the MiniDisc. Traditionally the R-W sub codes have been used for text and graphics in applications such as CD+G (CD w/graphics) or in the case of most audio CDs, not at all. The methods for reading this data from a cdrom drive is covered by the programming specs from the individual drive manufacturers. In the case of ATAPI drives, the SFF8020 spec covers the reading of the RW subcodes. There is a fairly short list of drives out there that actually support reading the RW subcodes from the program area. (if anyone happens to have a good list of these drives, please forward it to us for inclusion in the faq)

Chubais   (2003-01-27 19:19) [4]

вона чо!
ну так ты это...вот где взял вот это описание, там и поищи, как енту штукенцыйу оттедова взять...

Страницы: 1 вся ветка

Форум: "Система";
Текущий архив: 2003.03.24;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


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