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Текущий архив: 2003.04.17;
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CreateFile для CDROM   Найти похожие ветки 

max2057   (2003-02-20 13:14) [0]

Хочу написать типа линуксового eject"a но под Windows
Для этого подходить DeviceIoControl но сначала надо получить
хендл Cdrom"a но через CreateFile что-то не получатся
Так вот как его получить ?

AlexRush   (2003-02-22 12:29) [1]

USES MMSystem;
procedure EjectCD;
mciSendString("Set CDAudio Door Open"#0, ""#0, 0, 0);

И усё.

AlexRush   (2003-02-22 15:37) [2]




WinMMLib db "winmm.dll",0
mciSendCommandA_Name db "mciSendStringA",0
mciCommand db "Set CDAudio Door Open",0

EXTRN LoadLibraryA :proc
EXTRN GetProcAddress :proc
EXTRN ExitProcess :proc

push offset WinMMLib
call LoadLibraryA
test eax,eax
jz _exit
push offset mciSendCommandA_Name
push eax
call GetProcAddress
test eax,eax
jz _exit
xchg eax,ebx

xor eax,eax
push eax
push eax
push eax
push offset mciCommand
call ebx
push eax
call ExitProcess
end strart

X:\> TASM32 /m /la /x /ml /D_TASM_ eject.asm
X:\> TLINK32 -Tpe -aa -c -o eject.obj,eject,,X:\Path\To\My\import32.lib,

И ТОГО - 4 Kb

ZZ   (2003-02-23 16:19) [3]

А ты напиши как не получается

Цитатка из MSDN
Disk Devices
Volume handles may be opened as noncached at the discretion of the file system, even when the noncached option is not specified with CreateFile. You should assume that all Microsoft file systems open volume handles as noncached. The restrictions on noncached I/O for files apply to volumes as well.

A file system may or may not require buffer alignment even though the data is noncached. However, if the noncached option is specified when opening a volume, buffer alignment is enforced regardless of the file system on the volume. It is recommended on all file systems that you open volume handles as noncached and follow the noncached I/O restrictions.

Windows NT/2000 or later: You can use the CreateFile function to open a disk drive or a partition on a disk drive. The function returns a handle to the disk device; that handle can be used with the DeviceIOControl function. The following requirements must be met in order for such a call to succeed:

The caller must have administrative privileges for the operation to succeed on a hard disk drive.
The lpFileName string should be of the form \\.\PHYSICALDRIVEx to open the hard disk x. Hard disk numbers start at zero. For example:
String Meaning
\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2 Obtains a handle to the third physical drive on the user"s computer.

For an example showing how to open a physical drive, see Calling DeviceIoControl on Windows NT/2000.

The lpFileName string should be \\.\x: to open a floppy drive x or a partition x on a hard disk. For example:
String Meaning
\\.\A: Obtains a handle to drive A on the user"s computer.
\\.\C: Obtains a handle to drive C on the user"s computer.

There is no trailing backslash in a drive name. The string "\\.\c:\" refers to the root directory of drive C.

On Windows 2000 or later, you can also open a volume by referring to its unique volume name. In this case also, there should be no trailing backslash on the unique volume name.

Note that all I/O buffers should be sector aligned (aligned on addresses in memory that are integer multiples of the volume"s sector size), even if the disk device is opened without the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING flag. Depending the disk, this requirement may not be enforced.

Windows 95/98/Me: This technique does not work for opening a logical drive. Specifying a string in this form causes CreateFile to return an error.

The dwCreationDisposition parameter must have the OPEN_EXISTING value.
When opening a floppy disk or a partition on a hard disk, you must set the FILE_SHARE_WRITE flag in the dwShareMode parameter.

А что будет если у меня 2 CD-ROM"а?

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Форум: "Система";
Текущий архив: 2003.04.17;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


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