Текущий архив: 2004.04.18;
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ВнизКак перерезать глотку PC Speaker Найти похожие ветки
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Dark Man © (2004-02-16 08:47) [0]Надо программно отключить PC Speaker
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dr Tr0jan © (2004-02-16 12:13) [1]Юзай
The SystemParametersInfo function queries or sets systemwide parameters. This function can also update the user profile while setting a parameter.
BOOL SystemParametersInfo(
UINT uiAction, // system parameter to query or set
UINT uiParam, // depends on action to be taken
PVOID pvParam, // depends on action to be taken
UINT fWinIni // user profile update flag
Specifies the systemwide parameter to query or set. This parameter can be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
SPI_GETBEEP Indicates whether the warning beeper is on.The pvParam parameter is a pointer to a BOOL that receives TRUE if the beeper is on, or FALSE if it is off.
SPI_SETBEEP Turns the warning beeper on or off. The uiParam parameter specifies TRUE for on, or FALSE for off.
Depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about systemwide parameters, see the uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, specify zero.
Depends on the system parameter being queried or set. For more information about systemwide parameters, see the uiAction parameter. If not otherwise indicated, specify NULL.
If a system parameter is being set, specifies whether the user profile is to be updated, and if so, whether the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message is to be broadcast to all top-level windows to notify them of the change. This parameter can be zero or can be one of the following values:
Value Action
SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE Writes the new system-wide parameter setting to the user profile.
SPIF_SENDCHANGE Broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message after updating the user profile.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
This function is intended for use with applications, such as the Control Panel, that allow the user to customize the Windows environment.
RTFM "Win32 Developer"s References "
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dr Tr0jan © (2004-02-16 12:13) [2]Удалено модератором
Примечание: Дубль
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dr Tr0jan © (2004-02-16 12:14) [3]Удалено модератором
Примечание: Дубль
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Dark Man © (2004-02-17 05:25) [4]Шапасибо посмотрю
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Gregi (2004-02-19 19:33) [5]создаеш прогу которая выводит звук на спикер, причем мощность должна быть такая чтоб погарели провода. Так же понадобится впаять пару деталей, но поверь это того стоит!
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Текущий архив: 2004.04.18;
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