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Форум: "WinAPI";
Текущий архив: 2003.05.29;
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Click-through windows   Найти похожие ветки 

whiteshadow   (2003-04-01 16:37) [0]

[first of all, i apologize for writing in english - it"s simply because i write in russian fifteen times slower and don"t want to spend the whole day typing this. i guess most of programmers can read english [you read help files, don"t you? :) ]]

my question is : how do i create windows that do not respond mouse events, nor intercept them? i need windows behind those "click-through" windows to be able to respond to mouse-clicks etc as if there were no windows in front of them.

i"ll try to explain by an example ["cause i"m often said to speak too complex] -

there are many utilities - indicators, that place their small floating windows "on-top" to make them always visible. in WinXP [i"ve heard this is possible in Win2k too] windows can be "semitransparent" or whatever the word is... so, if you have a semitransparent indicator window, you can see other windows through it. but! you can"t, for example, click on those other windows! so i want to be able to make a program that makes a window [maybe a window of another program] such "click-through" window, so that this [example] indicator stays on top and takes up no workspace at the same time.

so, any good ideas on this matter? [my first thought was "hook the mouse", would that be any use?]

BJValentine   (2003-04-01 16:51) [1]

Sorrey, but technical text read (in help) and translate to russian it is not hard. Your question is not technical.
I think no body answer to You.

Sorrey for my English...

whiteshadow   (2003-04-01 17:00) [2]

Then I"ll rephrase it an repost or whatever. Or translate in russian [and then you"ll see what "плохо пишу" means :)].

Игорь Шевченко   (2003-04-01 17:00) [3]

Maybe WS_EX_LAYERED window Extended style will help you, or, if you want to do it manually, try HTTRANSPARENT responce to WM_NCHITTEST message.

Hope this helps

Morfein   (2003-04-01 21:34) [4]

If you only need an indicator, why do you decide to use window?
Why didn"t you try to paint on all other windows?
There are a lot of ways you can do it... Interseption of WM_PAINT the only one... and this way you can create semitransparent indicator with your own style...

"click-through" you can "perform" only if you redirect all "clicks" to "Z-ORDER lower" windows by yourself... like sending WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP

whiteshadow   (2003-04-02 11:40) [5]

I tried using WM_NCHITTEST, but couldn"t get it to do what I need. Adding WS_EX_LAYERED to extended style made an ... interesting :) effect. Could you give a good link about programming with layered windows?

2 Morfein : interesting, I"ll try that too.

Игорь Шевченко   (2003-04-02 13:07) [6]

whiteshadow © (02.04.03 11:40)


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Форум: "WinAPI";
Текущий архив: 2003.05.29;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


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2003-03-29 05:15

2003-04-02 04:07

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