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3APA3A (2003-07-25 02:57) [0]GetActiveWindow и GetForegroundWindow
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Юрий Зотов (2003-07-25 03:17) [1]The GetActiveWindow function retrieves the window handle to the active window associated with the thread that calls the function.
If the calling thread does not have an active window, the return value is NULL.
The GetForegroundWindow function returns the handle of the foreground window ( the window with which the user is currently working ).
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3APA3A (2003-07-25 03:32) [2]То есть GetActiveWindow возвращает Handle окна выполняемого потока?
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default (2003-07-25 03:43) [3]3APA3A © (25.07.03 03:32)
вызов GetActiveWindow успешен, если вызвавший эту функцию поток имеет активное окно
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Форум: "WinAPI";
Текущий архив: 2003.09.25;
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