Текущий архив: 2003.02.10;
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ВнизКак утсановить свойство TopItem у ListView? Найти похожие ветки
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Igor_thief (2002-12-28 19:47) [0]Ведь это свойство read-only!
Вот что написано в хелпе:
Read TopItem to determine the first item in the list view that the user can see.
TopItem reflects how far the list view has been scrolled.
You can also scroll the view by setting TopItem.
TopItem is only implemented when ViewStyle is vsReport or vsList.
For vsIcon and vsSmallIcon view styles, use
the ViewOrigin property to determine the scroll position.
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Igor_thief (2002-12-29 12:27) [1]Срочно!
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