Текущий архив: 2002.05.30;
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← →
Oleg_er (2002-05-06 07:26) [0]insert into "c:\tmp\t_g_0605200292346.dbf" (id, gtd, flag)
select id, gtd, 1 as flag
from "c:\tmp\dbf\gtd_03052002.dbf" c, "c:\tmp\gtd_otpr.dbf" g
where c.gtd=g.gtd and c.reestr=g.reestr and c.ves_reestr<>g.ves_reestr
← →
Johnmen (2002-05-06 09:12) [1]Попробуй
select c.id, c.gtd, 1
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