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Текущий архив: 2003.01.27;
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ВнизОтображение поля Boolean в DBGrid Найти похожие ветки
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GeRon (2003-01-08 09:06) [0]Имеется база данных в которой кроме других полей имеется поле типа Boolean. Как отобразить в DBGrid это поле под тип DBChekBox(Т.е. чтобы значение отображалось ввиде "галочки" а не "True" или "False"?
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Johnmen (2003-01-08 09:12) [1]Отрисовать соотв.ячейку грида самому.
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kat (2003-01-08 09:58) [2]использовать Grid из EHLibrary
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Max Zyuzin (2003-01-08 10:20) [3]http://www.delphikingdom.com/helloworld/dbgridcolor.htm
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Verg (2003-01-08 11:06) [4]А как насчет DisplayValues у TBooleanField ???
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Verg (2003-01-08 11:07) [5]Controls how the Boolean field is translated to and from display format.
property DisplayValues: string;
Use DisplayValues to specify strings you want used to represent Boolean values. Use any pair of phrases, separated by a semicolon. For example, to have the True and False values correspond to the letters T and F, respectively, set DisplayValues to
Similarly, to set the values of True and False to the strings Yes and No, set DisplayValues to
The string associated with True or False can be an empty string. To set the value for True to an empty string, set DisplayValues to a string that begins with a semicolon. For example, to associate False with the string Fail, and True with an empty string, set DisplayValues to
To associate False with an empty string, set DisplayValues to the string for True, with no semicolon at all.
The strings associated with True and False by DisplayValues appear in data-aware controls when they display the data for a Boolean field. If one of the strings is an empty string, Boolean values associated with that string appear blank in data-aware controls.
These strings are also used when getting or setting the Boolean field’s AsString property.
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Форум: "Базы";
Текущий архив: 2003.01.27;
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