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VLL (2002-04-23 17:07) [0]Выполняется запрос из Delphi к MSSQL 7.0, через некоторое время выдает "Время истекло", что делать?
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zx (2002-04-23 17:32) [1]Увеличить время:)
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asafr (2002-04-23 18:40) [2]Из хелпа:
How to set a time limit for remote queries (Enterprise Manager)
To set a time limit for remote queries
Expand a server group.
Right-click a server; then click Properties.
Click the Connections tab.
Under Remote server connections in the Query time-out (sec) box, select a value from 0 through 2,147,483,647 to set the maximum number of time, in seconds, that Microsoft® SQL Server™ will wait for a remote query to be processed before timing out.
The default value of 0 prevents SQL Server from timing out.
Note Remote server connections must be allowed before this value can be set.
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Lusha (2002-04-24 10:13) [3]Если речь идет о BDE, то ищите в форуме... Был аналогичный вопрос, было найдено решение...
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