Текущий архив: 2006.11.05;
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ВнизMDI приложение, выравнивание дочерних окон Найти похожие ветки
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Samson (2006-10-18 14:06) [0]Как можно выравнивать "дочерние" окна в MDI приложени ??? Слышал, что это как-то по простому делается, а не .... берешь форму 1,расчитываешь ... переносишь и т.д. ....
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Игорь Шевченко © (2006-10-18 14:08) [1]Tile, Cascade
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Samson (2006-10-18 14:16) [2]???? т.е. Title, Cascade можно подробнее
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Samson (2006-10-18 14:31) [3]а ещё, напрмер горизонтальное выравнивание ????????????
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Игорь Шевченко © (2006-10-18 14:56) [4]Samson (18.10.06 14:16) [2]
> можно подробнее
Можно и подробнее:
Arranges MDI child forms so that they are all the same size.
procedure Tile;
Use Tile to arrange MDI child forms so that they are all the same size. Tiled forms completely fill up the client area of the parent form. How the forms arrange themselves depends upon the values of their TileMode properties.
Tile works only if the form is an MDI parent form (that is, if the form’s FormStyle property is fsMDIForm).
Arranges MDI child forms so they overlap.
procedure Cascade;
Use Cascade to arrange MDI child forms so they overlap.
Cascade works only if the form is an MDI parent form (that is, if the form’s FormStyle property is fsMDIForm).
> а ещё, напрмер горизонтальное выравнивание ????????????
Represents how MDI child forms are arranged when the Tile method is called.
type TTileMode = (tbHorizontal, tbVertical);
property TileMode: TTileMode;
TileMode can have one of the following TTileMode values:
Value Meaning
tbHorizontal Each form stretches across the width of the parent form
tbVertical Each form stretches along the height of the parent form
TileMode is meaningful only if the form is an MDI child (that is, if the form’s FormStyle property is set to fsMDIChild).
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Samson (2006-10-18 15:01) [5]спасибо ... теперь понял :)
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Loginov Dmitry © (2006-10-18 15:32) [6]Обычно подобные действия с дочерними окнами не программируются. Все необходимое уже есть в TActionList.
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