Текущий архив: 2006.09.24;
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Внизкак определить в каком столбце DBGrid юзер кликнул мышью? Найти похожие ветки
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webpauk (2006-09-06 12:33) [0]Help
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webpauk (2006-09-06 12:35) [1]например в событии CellClick
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Ega23 © (2006-09-06 12:41) [2]
Occurs when the user releases the mouse in one of the cells of the grid.
type TDBGridClickEvent = procedure (Column: TColumn) of object;
property OnCellClick: TDBGridClickEvent;
Write an OnCellClick event handler to take specific action when the user clicks in one of the cells of the data-aware grid. The Column parameter is the TColumn object that corresponds to the column where the mouse was when the user released the left mouse button.
OnCellClick occurs when the user releases the mouse. To take action when the user clicks down on the mouse, use the OnColEnter event.
OnCellClick will not occur when the mouse is released at the end of resizing a row or column, or when the cell is being edited.
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webpauk (2006-09-06 12:42) [3]
> Ega23 © (06.09.06 12:41) [2]
хорошо - OnColEnter. как?
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webpauk (2006-09-06 12:48) [4]Grid1.SelectedIndex - вообщем то решение. Но Grid1.Option:=[dgRowSelect]
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Ega23 © (2006-09-06 13:00) [5]Задачу челиком опиши. Может оказаться, что тебе и не нужно узнавать, где мышкой кликнули.
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webpauk (2006-09-06 13:06) [6]мне нужно знать столбец, в еотором кликнули мышью
нарыл уже:var
ScrPt, GrdPt: TPoint;
Cell: TGridCoord;
ScrPt := Mouse.CursorPos;
GrdPt := DBGrid.ScreenToClient(ScrPt);
Cell := DBGrid.MouseCoord(GrdPt.X, GrdPt.Y);
// Col := Cell.X;
// Row := Cell.Y;
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Loginov Dmitry © (2006-09-06 13:34) [7]> webpauk (06.09.06 13:06) [6]
Можно проще:
Row := TStringGrid(DBGrid).Row;
Col := TStringGrid(DBGrid).Col;
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