Текущий архив: 2006.04.23;
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Сергей И. (2006-04-11 14:37) [0]function GetCurrentPrinterHandle: THandle;
Device, Driver, Port: array[0..255] of Char;
hDeviceMode: THandle;
Printer.GetPrinter(Device, Driver, Port, hDeviceMode);
if not OpenPrinter(@Device, Result, nil) then
Подскажите как данная функция определяет принтер.
Что значат DEvice,Driver,Port,hDeviceMode?
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MBo © (2006-04-11 14:43) [1]Я уж было подумал - в справке ничего про это нет..
Ан нет - каждое словечко описано!
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AbrosimovA (2006-04-11 15:54) [2]Retrieves information about the current printer.
Delphi syntax:
procedure GetPrinter (ADevice, ADriver, APort: PChar; var ADeviceMode: THandle);
Call GetPrinter to obtain information about the current printer.
ADevice is a buffer that receives the device name of the current printer. This is the name that appears in the Print Manager (for example, "Epson FX-80"). It is not the printer model name.
ADriver is a buffer that receives the driver name for the current printer. Some versions of Windows do not use printer driver names, in which case this buffer is unused. On versions of Windows that support printer driver names, this is the name of a printer driver (usually ‘WINSPOOL’).
APort is a buffer that receives the port used by the current printer. It is not used on 32-bit versions of Windows, but is included for backward compatibility.
DeviceMode returns the handle to a memory buffer containing a DeviceMode record, which contains device-specific initialization data for the device driver. Use the GlobalLock function to convert this handle into a pointer to the record.
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