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Андрей гость (2005-09-16 12:12) [0]Есть такой оператор SUBSTRING(Str FROM n1 TO n2). Можно продемонстрировать его на простом примере, а то что то не получается его применить
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Плохиш © (2005-09-16 12:59) [1]
Advantage Expression Engine function that extracts a substring from a character string
SUBSTR(<cString>, <nStart>, [<nCount>]) à cSubstring
<cString> The character string from which to extract a substring. It can be up to 65,535 (64K) bytes, the maximum character string size.
<nStart> The starting position in <cString>. If <nStart> is positive, it is relative to the leftmost character in <cString>. If <nStart> is negative, it is relative to the rightmost character in the <cString>.
<nCount> The number of characters to be extracted. If omitted, the substring begins at <nStart> and continues to the end of the string. If <nCount> is greater than the number of characters from <nStart> to the end of <cString>, the excess numbers are ignored.
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Форум: "Начинающим";
Текущий архив: 2005.10.16;
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