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Где взять справку по TMaskEdit?   Найти похожие ветки 

Kolan ©   (2010-03-04 15:32) [0]


Где можно прочесть описание синтаксиса маски в TMaskEdit? В справке нету.

И. Павел ©   (2010-03-04 15:38) [1]

В интернете куча ссылок. Вот одна из них: http://codingrus.jino-net.ru/ebooks/delphi/book5/20.phtml

{RASkov} ©   (2010-03-04 15:40) [2]

Character Meaning in mask

! If a ! character appears in the mask, optional characters are represented in the text as leading blanks. If a ! character is not present, optional characters are represented in the text as trailing blanks.
> If a > character appears in the mask, all characters that follow are in uppercase until the end of the mask or until a < character is encountered.
< If a < character appears in the mask, all characters that follow are in lowercase until the end of the mask or until a > character is encountered.

<> If these two characters appear together in a mask, no case checking is done and the data is formatted with the case the user uses to enter the data.
\ The character that follows a \ character is a literal character. Use this character to use any of the mask special characters as a literal in the data.
L The L character requires an alphabetic character only in this position. For the US, this is A-Z, a-z.
l The l character permits only an alphabetic character in this position, but doesn"t require it.

A The A character requires an alphanumeric character only in this position. For the US, this is A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
a The a character permits an alphanumeric character in this position, but doesn"t require it.
C The C character requires an arbitrary character in this position.
c The c character permits an arbitrary character in this position, but doesn"t require it.
0 The 0 character requires a numeric character only in this position.
9 The 9 character permits a numeric character in this position, but doesn"t require it.

# The # character permits a numeric character or a plus or minus sign in this position, but doesn"t require it.
: The : character is used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds in times. If the character that separates hours, minutes, and seconds is different in the regional settings of the Control Panel utility on your computer system, that character is used instead.
/ The / character is used to separate months, days, and years in dates. If the character that separates months, days, and years is different in the regional settings of the Control Panel utility on your computer system, that character is used instead.

; The ; character is used to separate the three fields of the mask.
_ The _ character automatically inserts spaces into the text. When the user enters characters in the field, the cursor skips the _ character.

{RASkov} ©   (2010-03-04 15:41) [3]

> В справке нету.

в D7 есть

Kolan ©   (2010-03-04 15:42) [4]


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