Текущий архив: 2006.11.05;
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ВнизGoogle Code Search не ищет по Паскалю ! Найти похожие ветки
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Бабай (2006-10-12 02:54) [0]Сволочи !
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Джо © (2006-10-12 04:46) [1]Хм. Даже по какому-то "Limbo" ищет, а Паскаля, действительно, нет...
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Джо © (2006-10-12 04:48) [2]У них там Google Labs в их discussion forum вопросов типа "Pascal and Delphi search — what happen with this languages??" — немерянно. Ответов, впрочем, не нашел :)
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Джо © (2006-10-12 04:50) [3]А... все не так плохо :)
For those of you asking about new languages, you must know that Google
CodeSearch already indexes *all* files -- no matter the language. That
means that you can search for your prefered language today. No need to
wait for Google to release a new version.
You can find a readme.txt file for example -- this is not "code" per
se. Just a file lying in an open-source project. There is no
"programming language" tied to that file.
Simply filter your result to only show files ending with the extension
matching your language. If that"s not enough add more to your query to
refine the results - a keyword or anything that is specific to the
For Pascal / Delphi you could add the following to your query:
( which means: " match filenames that ends with .pas " )
If you do not have results for your query that simply means Google did
not find / indexed an open-source project matching it. This has nothing
to do with the fact that the language is unsupported.
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