Текущий архив: 2006.04.23;
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ВнизDAX Error Найти похожие ветки
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Сатир (2006-03-29 19:53) [0]I am working with Delphi 5 Enterprise edition on a Win2k box, and I am
registering all of my components in COM+.
I have written a test client application that calls a COM+ component I
have written. In the FormCreate procedure, I create an instance of my
COM+ object in the following statement:
MyComponent := CoMyComponentName.Create;
I keep getting a DAX Error - The specified module could not be found. I
can see the component in COM+, it is pointing to the correct .dll file,
and this all worked last week. The only thing I did was change my
password and restart my machine.
Does anyone have any ideas? The line that it specifically craps out on
in the _TLB.pas file is:
class function CoMyComponentName.Create: IMyComponentName;
Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_MyComponentName) as
IMyComponentName; //craps out here
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kaif © (2006-03-29 20:06) [1]Restore your old password and try again :)
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Сатир (2006-03-30 13:36) [2]у меня ситуация немного другая, но ошибка та же:
"DAX Error - The specified module could not be found."
а случилась она, когда установил клиентсерверное приложение на другой голый сервер, на котором ничего не установлено.
Кто-то встречался с чем-то подобным и как лечили?
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