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Форум: "Потрепаться";
Текущий архив: 2003.05.15;
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NetBreaker666   (2003-04-27 17:33) [0]


Mr.Bennard Okoye.
EMAIL: bennard_okoye2002@indiatimes.com

Dear Sir,


First, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, which is of mutual benefit.

This is by virtue of it"s nature of being utterly confidential.Iam sure and have confidence of your ability, and reliability to prosecute a transaction of this great magnitude.

We are top Officials of the Federal Government Contract review Panel who are interested in importation of goods into our country with funds which are presently trapped in Nigeria.In order to commence this business,we need your assistance to enable us transfer funds into your account. As members of the Contract Review Panel set up by the Government of Nigeria to review all contracts from 1983 to the present,we have identified a lot of inflated contract funds which are presently floating in the Central Bank of Nigeria ready for payment.

By virtue of our position as Civil Servants and members of this Panel, we cannot acquire this money in our names, in this regard I have been delegated by my colleagues of the review Panel to look for an overseas partner into whose account we would transfer the sum of US$21,320,000.00
( Twenty -One Million, Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand United Statesn Dollars) hence we take the liberty to write you.

The money will be shared as follows:-
1. 20% for you the account owner
2. 70% for us (The Officials)
3. 10% to be used in settling taxation and all local and foreign expenses.

Please note that this whole process will take between 7 to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the following information by the above Email address or my confidential fax number 234-1-7597594.Your individual/Company"s signed and stamped letterhead with a transcribed"Text" which we would send to you upon receipt of your reply with a letter of interest. The above information will enable us write letter of claim, and Job description by using your individual/Company name to apply for payment for the above stated amount.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter using the above Email address. Detailed information of this pending business transaction will be sent to you as soon as I hear from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mr.Bennard Okoye.

Мой друг отослал ответ: Типа ДА!!! Конечно чуваки, только вот накладно мне к вам звонить, вот вам мой телефон. ОНИ ЕМУ ПОЗВОНИЛИ!!! Правда он сдрейфил и послал их нах :( Где здесь может быть лохотрон?

Anatoly Podgoretsky   (2003-04-27 17:40) [1]

Любия африканская песня

N167   (2003-04-27 17:46) [2]

Всё правда! Звони - бутет тебе Щастье и много денег.

Anatoly Podgoretsky   (2003-04-27 19:08) [3]

Типичное поле чудес в стране дураков, классическое мошенничество.
Что бы получить много денег сначала надо закопать деньги.
Для начала неикиз денег нет иначе бы ты был не нужен,
а нужет ты что бы закапывать деньги.
До интернета это было тиав вам выпал дорогой выигрыш.
Потом любимые россиянам пирамиды, обмануты миллионы вкладчиков, Мавроди потом эту аферу провернул в Интренете с большим размахом.
Теперь это африканцы суммы колеблятся от нескольких миллионов до 89. Аудитония гигантская, электроныые средства и электронные банки в определенных государствах позволяют оставаться польностью анонимными.

Страницы: 1 вся ветка

Форум: "Потрепаться";
Текущий архив: 2003.05.15;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


Память: 0.45 MB
Время: 0.008 c
2003-04-27 14:25

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