Текущий архив: 2002.05.06;
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Alex12 (2002-03-28 16:30) [0]1 апреля не за горами, а пошутить надо.
В прошлом году вывесил возле кассы такое объявление:
"Потерявшего ручку Паркер с золотым пером без колпачка просьба занести колпачек в приемную."
А вот как проходила переписка между мной и одной испанкой (2001г.).
Hello, Monica!
This day was very successful.
My friends (3 person) and I went to the fishing today.
We have caught a lot of fish: 4 sacks (amount 140 kg)!
How we could to catch so enormous fish?
I told you our secret!
Must be take a few bottles with Vodka!
Then you go to the lake and make two holes into the covered ice.
One hole must be 0.8 meters in diameter.
The next hole you must be make in a meter from first hole.
This hole must be 0.1 meters in diameter.
The process of catching fish:
You are pouring into the glass 100 grams of the Vodka.
Then you pouring this glass into the 0.1 meter hole.
After each 15 minutes you pouring Vodka into the hole.
You must be wait.
After a few time the fish would be suffocated and
would be go out from the 0.8 meter hole!
You shall remain only gathering this fish!
It"s very simply.
Today I had the fish soup.
I wish you the same luck!
Hi Alexey!
Poor fishes! Sophocated or totally drunk! Are you
going to eat sso much fish? I am glad you had a good
Hi, Monica!
It"s me again!
Do you believe me? About fish? It"s a joke!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha!
We celebrated the holiday. The 1-st of April is a day of jokes!!!
I"m very happy that my fun was so successful. : - ))
//Затем Моника начинает всем кому не лень рассказывать о том, как русские ловят рыбу :))
hi boy!
Do you think is fun? I told everybody here! My
Goodness I will not be brave enough to tell them that
it was a joke!!!!!!!! ( I can listen you now
laughfing, but not at me, I hope! >:o We celebrate
it December 28th, so I was totally out of everything!I
usually beleive in the good sense and honesty of
people..., (my particular joke)
==The end====================================
Поделитесь и вы своими приколами...
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Eduard (2002-03-28 17:11) [1]У тебя большие проблемы с английским. И как только испанка тебя понимала :)))))))))))))0
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Иван Шихалев (2002-03-28 17:12) [2]У испанки проблемы больше, судя по ее ответам. :)
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Agent Smith (2002-03-28 17:26) [3]На www.listsoft.ru можно скачать кучу программ-приколов и устроить соседу по компу праздник :)
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Alex12 (2002-03-28 17:43) [4]> to Eduard
Обнаглел ты!;)) Отвечай по теме.
А испанка в это время преподавала испанский в Америке (Луизиана). :))
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