Текущий архив: 2004.05.23;
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ВнизКак вставить гиперссылку в документ word ? Найти похожие ветки
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Sema (2004-04-30 15:48) [0]C помощью DELPHI создаем и т.д. это известно, а как в него ссылку на другой документ или файл вставить ?
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Sema (2004-05-04 19:13) [1]Там куча параметров и неизвестно что ставить...
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection.Range, Address:= _
"http://sss.fatal.ru/", SubAddress:="", ScreenTip:="", _
Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
Но что куда ?
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ИМХО © (2004-05-04 19:22) [2]Returns a Hyperlink object that represents a new hyperlink added to a range, selection, or document.
expression.Add(Anchor, Address, SubAddress, ScreenTip, TextToDisplay, Target)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Hyperlinks object.
Anchor Required Object. The text or graphic that you want turned into a hyperlink.
Address Optional Variant. The address for the specified link. The address can be an e-mail address, an Internet address, or a file name. Note that Microsoft Word doesn"t check the accuracy of the address.
SubAddress Optional Variant. The name of a location within the destination file, such as a bookmark, named range, or slide number.
ScreenTip Optional Variant. The text that appears as a ScreenTip when the mouse pointer is positioned over the specified hyperlink. The default value is Address.
TextToDisplay Optional Variant. The display text of the specified hyperlink. The value of this argument replaces the text or graphic specified by Anchor.
Target Optional Variant. The name of the frame or window in which you want to load the specified hyperlink.
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ИМХО © (2004-05-04 19:23) [3]Смотри Microsoft Word Visual Basic Reference.
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Sema (2004-05-04 21:35) [4]>expression Required. An expression that returns a Hyperlinks object.
Delphi не дает указать expression
WrdApp.Selection.Hyperlinks.Add (***, hadr,Hnil,Hnil,hscr,Hnil);
*** - что бы не ставил, все не хорошо!
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ИМХО © (2004-05-04 22:55) [5]Твой expression - это ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks
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Sema (2004-05-05 10:07) [6]FBrowse.WrdApp.Selection.Hyperlinks.Add(
WrdApp.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks, hadr,Hnil,Hnil,hscr,Hnil);
Несовпадение типа!
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