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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2009.08.09;
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Вопрос по KOLMediaPlayer   Найти похожие ветки 

=BuckLr= ©   (2008-03-04 23:59) [0]

Почему после открытия файлов с помощью KOLMediaPlayer в каталоге с программой остаются логи "имя_программы.exe.log"? Кто это делает и как с этим бороться? Логи примерно такого содержания:

23:56:36 > [TBassSource: DC-Bass Source] CREATE
23:56:36 > [TBassSourceStream: Bass Source Stream] CREATE
23:56:36 > TBCEnumMediaTypes.Create
23:56:36 > TBCEnumMediaTypes.Destroy
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Trying to connect Pins :.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg:     <Output>.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg:     <In>.
23:56:36 > TBCEnumMediaTypes.Create
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Trying media type:.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg:     major type:  {73647561-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg:     sub type  :  {00000001-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Major Type: Audio - Sub Type: PCM Format: WaveFormatEx: PCM, 44100 Hertz, 16 Bits, 2 Channels.
23:56:36 > TBCEnumMediaTypes.Destroy
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Failed to agree type.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Trying to connect Pins :.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg:     <Output>.
23:56:36 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg:     <In>.
23:56:46 > Object: Bass Source Stream, msg: Connection succeeded.
23:58:11 > [TBassSourceStream: Bass Source Stream] FREE
23:58:11 > [TBassSource: DC-Bass Source] FREE
FactoryCount: 0, ObjectCount: 0.

thaddy   (2008-03-07 13:28) [1]

This has nothing to do with kolmediaplayer but with bass.
What"s happening is that a DirectX sound module is incompatible with your system, or not properly installed.

=BuckLr= ©   (2008-03-08 17:56) [2]

Thank you, Thaddy! It"s of importance for me

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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2009.08.09;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


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