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Cant update correctly KOLAdd from 2.81 to 2.82   Найти похожие ветки 

Dodfr   (2007-10-21 17:18) [0]


When I updated from 2.80 to 2.83 using the 3 upd I got an error from 2.81 to 2.82 about KOLAdd.pas not found.

I know it can happend if the file is not the one expected by .upd file, but as it was a fresh install I don"t understand why I got this error.

As workaround I downloaded lastest KOLAdd 2.82 zip version.


Vladimir Kladov ©   (2007-10-21 20:29) [1]

You know that the latest KOLadd.pas always can be downloaded from the site separately. Reason of mismatch can be different. May be you downloaded newer version in a separate zip earlier, or changed it a bit. I remember that recently updated KOLadd.zip (but because of DirDialogEx.pas though may be I was replaced KOLadd.pas too).

Dodfr   (2007-10-21 21:06) [2]

It was a fresh unzip of 2.80 into an empty folder, then immediately I updated to 2.81/2.82/2.83 so that was the original untouched files.

As the KOLAdd.pas is available separately may be the downloaded one was not synchronized with the .upd file.

Actually if you download KOL 2.80 + actually available KOLAdd then it will not accept to be updated, may be because KOLAdd version is 2.82 and the .upd that would update is do a 2.81 to 2.82 update so excpected KOLAdd may be already up to date.

Дмитрий К ©   (2007-10-21 21:25) [3]

There"s no problem with update from 2.80 to 2.83. Just delete *.old files in kol folder, every time before applying upd.

Dodfr   (2007-10-21 22:37) [4]

delete *.old ??? I never thought it could have an impact as updater.exe produce them but do not read them.

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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2008.08.31;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


Память: 0.45 MB
Время: 0.021 c
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