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ExptIntf.dcu not found   Найти похожие ветки 

Dodfr   (2007-10-21 00:09) [0]


Using D7, I upgraded from KOL 2.51 to 2.83 (fresh new "kol" folder) and now I have a problem when I try to compile my KOL application (also if I try to compile a new one).

I remember this happend with some bad structured components with visual component part not separated from the source code.

But I never had this problem with KOL projects until today. To be sure to some KOl MCK components do not be source of the problem, I only Installed KOL&MCK basic component, no extra MCK components.


ANTPro ©   (2007-10-21 00:30) [1]

This problem is «accordion»
Use Build All — it’s magic pill.

Dodfr   (2007-10-21 00:50) [2]

In the meanwhile I tried to remove all .dcu and it worked, I think it do the same as your "build all" ;-)


Vladimir Kladov ©   (2007-10-21 07:13) [3]

Not always! Sometimes the reason is in adding (automatiacally) some VCL-related units to uses clause of some units. E.g. if you drop some additional component on form, a reference to its miror unit (which actually is VCL) with name like mckXXXXXX.pas is added to the uses at the end. To solve this, it is necessary to move such unit name into {$IFNDEF KOL_MCK} ... {} brackets. (The main problem is to find it, and detect that it is the reason, in such case).

Dodfr   (2007-10-21 17:00) [4]

I agree, its very difficult to find wich one produce the problem.

I use very few MCK units, only 7 of them.

When I tried to get rid of them +.dcu and recompiled basic KOL&MCK it worked.

So I tried to get rid of each MCK one after other to find the one(s) that caused the error.

After removing the first one mdvToolTip I could compile a basic project again.

Then I moved mdvToolTip at the end of DPK declaration after the other MCKs and it worked fine, so it seems the order the MCK inside a DPK may have an impact but I can"t explain why.

имя   (2008-05-04 04:58) [5]

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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2009.12.27;
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