Текущий архив: 2006.12.17;
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ВнизМодуль KolCompDoc для работы с doc-файлами (by Thaddy) Найти похожие ветки
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Vedun (2006-03-01 23:33) [0]This is message for Thaddy.
I have found a bug in the text of this module. Here it is:
function NewStorage(Name : string; aParentStorage : PStorage; AccessMode : TAccessMode;
TransactMode : TTransactMode; CreateNew : boolean):PStorage;
If using variable Name this function doesn"t create any storage, but return an error.
I have changed Name for aName and this function begins to work correctly.
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Thaddy (2006-03-02 12:05) [1]Thank you! I will fix it.
This bug is Delphi version dependant it seems.
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Thaddy (2006-03-02 12:06) [2]Correction: KOL.pas version dependant: name introduced some time ago :)
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