Текущий архив: 2006.11.19;
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ВнизUnicode Найти похожие ветки
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Boguslaw (2006-02-04 14:37) [0]Vladimir,any news about better support for Unicode in KOL ? I know that changes I"ve sent you are not a complete solution but with some changes it cover most Captions and Text properties for KOL controls and menus.I think that it"s the most important for internationalization.Could you also post my partial port of dxgnugettext for KOL ?
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Vladimir Kladov (2006-02-05 10:08) [1]The new version will be today I hope. Be patient, please.
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Vladimir Kladov (2006-02-05 19:01) [2]Выпуск придется задержать. Встретились проблемы с внешним видом list view с новым кодом.
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Текущий архив: 2006.11.19;
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