Текущий архив: 2006.04.23;
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Внизjust a little bug v2.10 Найти похожие ветки
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ebta (2005-08-28 02:34) [0]I fail when convert Str to datetime using Str2DateTimeFmt
ex. Str2DateTimeFmt("HH:mm","18:23") result is 00:00
I found in the SystemTime2DateTime function
when i change wMonth >= 0 and wDay >= 0 (or remove it, just like in v2.00), its works fine.
thanks for great components.
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Vladimir Kladov (2005-08-28 20:37) [1]Thnk youin 2.11 will fix to
if {(wYear >= 0) !always true! and} (wYear <= 9999) and
and now with comments why these checks should not be there...
{(wMonth >= 1) and !otherwise can not convert time only!}
(wMonth <= 12) and
{(wDay >= 1) and !otherwise can not convert time only!}
(wDay <= DayTable^[wMonth]) and //
(wHour < 24) and (wMinute < 60) and (wSecond < 60) and (wMilliSeconds < 1000) then //
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