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Unit xxxxx was compiled with another version of yyyyy   Найти похожие ветки 

EVILDeath   (2005-08-07 17:37) [0]

1. Чтобы избавиться от сообщения Unit xxxxx was compiled with another version of yyyyy, возникающего при компиляции с заменой системных модулей, попробуйте вот такой прием: скомпилируйте все (Build All) сначала без замены, затем выполните замену (измените настройки путей к модулям), и выполните компиляцию (Compile).

Не работает =(.
Когда компилю Build (нету такой кнопки Build all) без замены, все работает, а как только заменю - ругается что [Fatal Error] SysUtils.pas(3777): Unit Variants was compiled with a different version of System.TVarData .
Пробовал FakeVariants, там говорит что [Fatal Error] SysUtils.pas(3777): Variants unit out of date or corrupted: missing "@VarToLStr"
Что с этой бедой делать? Маленький SysUtils бы пригодился.

thaddy   (2005-08-07 22:48) [1]

For all your questions:

Read the documentation and the FAQ here.

EVILDeath   (2005-08-08 00:28) [2]

2 thaddy
Yes, I"ve read them before posting, and even gave an example from there, but it not solved this problem.

Thaddy   (2005-08-08 00:56) [3]

Did you mix VCL code with KOL code?
Or did you use VCL code with System replacements?
You cannot use the system  replacements with VCL code or the MCK.
After your project is finished, recompile it with the systemreplacements, but not when you are still developing.
Also: do a rebuild all in that case!

Thaddy   (2005-08-08 01:02) [4]

Did you mix VCL code with KOL code?
Or did you use VCL code with System replacements?
You cannot use the system  replacements with VCL code or the MCK.
After your project is finished, recompile it with the systemreplacements, but not when you are still developing.
Also: do a rebuild all in that case!

EVILDeath   (2005-08-08 01:25) [5]

Also: do a rebuild all in that case!
Not completely understood... i know just "Build all projects" button...

I was happy when I don"t know about KOL :) (Yesterday)
Now my Delphi gone crazy and at last start compiling random projects.
One thing i didn"t (know - how to tell in past form?? Same word or not?) is that MCK don"t support shrinked units... But Delphi starts compiling some of my test projects, so i think my problem is just from my experiments with kol.

thaddy   (2005-08-08 11:57) [6]

But KOL + MCK is very stable environment if you do NOT use sysdcu replacements during design phase. What I do is design and build without the system replacements and then, when I am finished, I change the first path in my lib directories to $(DELPHI)\KOL\SYSDCU
(You have to create those directories and put the replacements in it)
The I recompile (with KOL_VERSION, ofcourse) After you have created the KOL project, there are no longer depenencies on the RTL system units. Also, try to avoid using variants the unit, use Vladimir's Dummy empty variants.pas in the final product.

EVILDeath   (2005-08-08 18:16) [7]

Allright, I"m already doing so.

azsd ©   (2005-08-11 06:48) [8]

you may have check "uses " section if you add some units atfer {$ENDIF},and move the none manual units to place before {$endif}.

MCK always search the end ";" of uses section and add desgn time package there,they offer an comment ask user "place your units here" but always consider user never do it before add new control must insert design time package.

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