Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2005.11.06;
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Sphinxx © (2005-03-12 21:26) [0]есть такая проблема... хочу установить эту штуку, а при компиляции мне delphi выдает, что в модуле KOLSHDocVW.pas в строке
TControlData2(CControlData).FirstEventOfs := Cardinal(@@FOnBeforeNavigate) - Cardinal(@Self);
не может быть присваивания значений... что делать?
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thaddy (2005-03-13 00:28) [1]which delphi version are you using? I remember I had the same problem with one of them and I simply chnged it a bit. Need to know your version.
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Sphinxx © (2005-03-13 10:15) [2]i"m using d7
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thaddy (2005-03-13 17:31) [3]I prepared demo that works for D7 and have emailed it to you.
For other readers:
For some reason, the Delphi IDE sometimes crashes on codecompletion with Ax controls. The final exe is OK most of the time.
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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2005.11.06;
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