Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2004.05.23;
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ВнизВерсия 1.87 Найти похожие ветки
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Vladimir Kladov (2003-12-13 20:05) [0]News from 13-Dec-2003
KOL and MCK news (v1.87):
[+]KOL: Kylix / Linux compatibility started. With changes provided by
Dmitry Zharov aka Gandalf, KOL project now can be compiled with Kylix
and run under Linux. Additional files necessary to compile with Kylix
are provided in a separate archive: KOL2_kylix_linux.zip on the Tools
page. This work is only starting but soon we seems could be able to
port our Delphi apps made with KOL/MCK to Linux platform.
[+]KOL: TControl.EnableChildren( Enable, Recursive: Boolean ) method
[+]KOL: function RectsIntersected added.
[+]KOL: property TControl.RE_FmtBackColor added.
[-]MCK: Delphi IDE freezing fixed which could occur sometimes while
editing TabOrder of KOL controls.
[-]MCK: small fix in TKOLFont.Change: sometimes ParentFont became
False incorrectly - by Yuri Sidorov
[*]MCK: property TKOLToolbar.FixFlatXP added: this changes some styles
for Toolbar with tboFlat in Options while running under XP.
[+]KOL: with a symbol OpenSaveDialog_Extended added to proct options,
TOpenSaveDialog allows custom extentions for the dialog using new
fields HookProc and TemplateName.
[-]KOL: TMMTimer.Enabled fixed.
[-]KOL: a fix in TControl.ShowModalEx.
[-]KOL: a fix in MDI behaviour - by Thaddy de Koning.
[-]KOL: a fix in loosing CurIndex value of a combobox while changing
its Items[ ] value - by Andrzey Kubasek. Since this fix is not
absolutely necessary, a conditional symbol NOT_FIX_CURINDEX is
available to allow make code a bit smaller omitting this fix.
[-]KOL: a fix in TControl.Destroy asm version - by Yuri Sidorov.
[-]MCK: a fix in TKOLAction with deleting menu items and toolbar
buttons with action assigned - by Yuri Sidorov.
[-]MCK: constant array VirtKeys: fixed code for "1" - by Yuri Sidorov.
[-]KOL: a fix in TCanvas.FillRgn asm version. Thanks to Babenko Alexey
for a bug report. Also, TCanvas.FillRgn and TCanvas.FillRect changed a
bit to use Brush of the owner control if it is available and own
Canvas.Brush is not created.
[+]MCK: it is now possible to use #nnn as Icon to indicate that
resource ID number nnn should be loaded as form icon. By Alexander
[+]KOL: a property TStrList.Names[ ] added, by Alexander Pravdin.
[+]KOL: a method TControl.ShowModalParented added, by Alexander
[+]KOL: with new conditional symbol NEW_MODAL, some code is changed
for modal form showing, by Alexander Pravdin (method SetModalResult
added, WM_CLOSE handling in TControl.WndProc extended a bit).
[+]KOL: all the conditional symbols which could affect KOL.PAS code
are collected and commented near the start of the KOL.PAS, to find and
use those easier.
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Vladimir Kladov (2003-12-13 20:17) [1]Кумулятивное обновление сделать не получилось. Кто от 1.80, берем обновление от 1.80 до 1.86, затем обновление до 1.87.
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Gandalf © (2003-12-13 21:42) [2]Сразу оговорюсь - что с "тех пор" прошло и время и иодули для kylix и linux мной были сильно исправлены - например KOL2FPC под Kylix компилируется без проблемм ныне. Увидим мы это все в грядущем обновлении. Все предложения помочь - опять же принимаются.
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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2004.05.23;
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