Текущий архив: 2004.05.16;
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mckSkinEngine Найти похожие ветки
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zeddy (2003-11-24 23:07) [0]SkinEngine is an VCL library that allows you to dynamically change almost any aspect of the visual appearance your project"s forms or controls. It provides you with full support for application skins (forms, menus and controls). It uses internal skin file-format (.kskn ~200kb unpacked) and also includes powerfull tools for create your own (SkinBuilder).
The unofficial URL is http://zeddy.port5.com/bin/sesetup.exe . After installation, check the mega-demo (KSDev\skinengine\Samples\MegaDemo).
Now this is what i hope, that one day, KOL will fully feature !
Are any of you VCL2MCK convertors reading this?
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zeddy (2003-11-25 02:16) [1]hmm ..
url fixed: http://zeddy.dap.ro/bin/sesetup.exe .
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Gandalf © (2003-11-25 21:06) [2]Skins, skins - I don"t know but people told - "SkinFactory more perfect". What you say on this - I am really don"t now which better, but if decided convert on KOL lets convert best of all.
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Текущий архив: 2004.05.16;
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