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ВнизApplication.OnIdle := MoveBall; Найти похожие ветки
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zeddy (2003-11-24 21:20) [0]What is the KOL equivalent for Application.OnIdle event?
I have a mck form, an imagelist and a paitbox. I have loaded a bitmap picturing a tennis ball.
How can i move the ball on the form"s surface, up and down, if i have no .OnIdle event?
Is there a secret windows message that i can track to get this kind ov eventloop ?
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Vladimir Kladov (2003-11-24 21:48) [1]RegisterIdleHandler, KOL 1.85+.
But it is possible (and better) to use in OnTimer: PaintBox1.Invalidate;
and move your balls in PaintBox1.OnPaint.
Or even more better to change ball position in OnTimer, and in OnPaint just repaint it.
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Gandalf © (2003-11-25 10:06) [2]Look throw in old topics - you can find full answer on english
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puky (2003-11-25 21:16) [3]It is better to use kol Thread object, you can reach maximum posibble redraw speed.
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Форум: "KOL";
Текущий архив: 2004.05.16;
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