Текущий архив: 2004.04.18;
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ВнизHow to scale form/controls/fonts when switch to higher resolution Найти похожие ветки
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Boguslaw (2003-08-26 23:50) [0]How to scale form/controls/fonts when switch to higher screen resolution ? Of course I mean : how to do this in KOL ? Maybe some function is required ? I have form which has to work properly in 640x480 and above but under 1024x768 is horrible small with small fonts and even maximized - controls are small and fonts too.
What about sizers in KOL ? How to implement them ?
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SPeller © (2003-08-27 02:22) [1]Можно вручную написать такой объект для масштабирования размеров контролов. Я как-то делал подобное, но не объектом, а функцией, которая размеры контролов масштабировала для соответствующего разрешения. Делается просто, например так:
mx := <текущее разрешение> / <эталонное разрешение, относительно которого задаются размеры>; // это по Х.
my := ... // аналогично по Y.
r.Left := Round( r.Left * mx );
r.Top := Round( r.Top * my );
r.Right := Round( r.Right * mx );
r.Bottom := Round( r.Bottom * my );
И получаем размеры в масштабе. Нужно только поймать изменение разрешения.
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Boguslaw (2003-08-28 01:04) [2]Better if form could have such property to do it for all controls automatically (should somehow compare resolution when program is compiled and adjust if is changed at run-time).Also font size should be fixed or scaled to proper resolution (in my windows I could set font size to small/normal/big in desktop settings, but only menu text is scaled properly,button captions are still very small).
Vladimir , could it be possible ?
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Кладов (2003-08-28 15:30) [3]Autosize=true for all control;
+ Align for all controls (+Margins) to provide correct placing/spacing controls;
+ Once calculate Font.FontHeight needed and then assign it to Form (better to a panle placed on a form), and for each TC_ages[ ] of TabControls - the same (again, better to assign to a panel placed on a page).
If Font is never changed adjusted in the project, default font which can be scaled automatically used. But it is ugly.
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