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Текущий архив: 2003.06.30;
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ВнизСвои цвета для DrawEdge() Найти похожие ветки
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McSimm2 (2003-06-17 16:02) [0]Можно задать свои цвета для рёбер ???
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MalkoLinge (2003-06-17 17:37) [1]Border style Description
Raised outer border Uses a single line in the button face color for its top and left edges, and the window frame color for its bottom and right edges.
Raised inner border Uses a single line in the button highlight color for its top and left edges, and the button shadow color for its bottom and right edges.
Sunken outer border Uses a single line in the button shadow color for its top and left borders, and the button highlight color for its bottom and right edges.
Sunken inner border Uses a single line in the window frame color for its top and left edges, and the button face color for its bottom and right edges.
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Форум: "Основная";
Текущий архив: 2003.06.30;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];
Память: 0.44 MB
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