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Вызов звука из файла   Найти похожие ветки 

Луарвик   (2003-07-10 12:59) [0]

Какой оператор вызывает звук?

Skier   (2003-07-10 13:02) [1]

>Луарвик © (10.07.03 12:59)
оператор ? Хм...
Посмотри-ка лучше модуль mmsystem.pas Не выручит ?

Луарвик   (2003-07-10 13:04) [2]

Ну модуль то выручит, но звуковой файл проиграть то как?

Skier   (2003-07-10 13:08) [3]

см. sndPlaySound(...)

Луарвик   (2003-07-10 13:28) [4]

А какие параметры нужны? Я жму F1 а оно не находит ключивого слова...

clickmaker   (2003-07-10 13:37) [5]

http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp + поиск sndPlaySound

Луарвик   (2003-07-10 13:52) [6]

Удалено модератором

Palladin   (2003-07-10 13:55) [7]

Удалено модератором

Луарвик   (2003-07-10 14:00) [8]

Да не я ваще хотел узнать как звук возпроизводить, sndPlaySound требует параметров. Каких?

Digitman   (2003-07-10 14:03) [9]

The sndPlaySound function plays a waveform sound specified either by a filename or by an entry in the registry or the WIN.INI file. This function offers a subset of the functionality of the PlaySound function; sndPlaySound is being maintained for backward compatibility.

BOOL sndPlaySound(

LPCSTR lpszSound,
UINT fuSound



A string that specifies the sound to play. This parameter can be either an entry in the registry or in WIN.INI that identifies a system sound, or it can be the name of a waveform-audio file. (If the function does not find the entry, the parameter is treated as a filename.) If this parameter is NULL, any currently playing sound is stopped.


Flags for playing the sound. The following values are defined:


The sound is played asynchronously and the function returns immediately after beginning the sound. To terminate an asynchronously played sound, call sndPlaySound with lpszSoundName set to NULL.


The sound plays repeatedly until sndPlaySound is called again with the lpszSoundName parameter set to NULL. You must also specify the SND_ASYNC flag to loop sounds.


The parameter specified by lpszSoundName points to an image of a waveform sound in memory.


If the sound cannot be found, the function returns silently without playing the default sound.


If a sound is currently playing, the function immediately returns FALSE, without playing the requested sound.


The sound is played synchronously and the function does not return until the sound ends.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.


If the specified sound cannot be found, sndPlaySound plays the system default sound. If there is no system default entry in the registry or WIN.INI file, or if the default sound cannot be found, the function makes no sound and returns FALSE.
The specified sound must fit in available physical memory and be playable by an installed waveform-audio device driver. If sndPlaySound does not find the sound in the current directory, the function searches for it using the standard directory-search order.

Луарвик   (2003-07-10 14:07) [10]

Ладно, буду переводчик юзать...

Страницы: 1 вся ветка

Форум: "Основная";
Текущий архив: 2003.07.24;
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Теория расписаний, помогите чем можете!!!

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