Текущий архив: 2003.02.17;
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ВнизВторой день подряд получаю ошибку компилятора :( Найти похожие ветки
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Альф (2003-02-07 12:27) [0][Fatal Error]: Internal error: W2397
Что-бы это значило ????
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DarkGreen (2003-02-07 13:01) [1]ccasionally when compiling an application in Delphi, the compile will halt and display an error message that reads, for example:
Internal Error: X1234
This error message indicates that the compiler has encountered a condition, other than a syntax error, that it cannot successfully process.
The information after "Internal Error" contains from one to three characters and is immediately followed by a number that indicates the file and line number in the compiler itself where the error occurred. Although this information may not help you, it can help us (Borland) track down the problem if and when you report the error. Be sure to jot down this information and include it with your internal error description.
What to do if you encounter an internal error
Follow these steps to attempt to resolve an internal error:
1. If the error occurs immediately after you have modified code in the editor, go back to the place where you made your changes and make a note of what was changed.
2. If you can undo or comment out the change and then recompile your application successfully, it is possible that the programming construct that you introduced exposed a problem with the compiler. If so, skip to step 7.
Otherwise, follow the next few steps to resolve your problem.
1. Delete all of the .dcu or .dpu files associated with your project.
2. Close your project completely using File | Close All, then reopen your project, this will clear the unit cache maintained in the IDE. Alternatively you can simply close the IDE and restart.
3. Another options is to try and recompile your application using the Project|Build option so that the compiler will regenerate all of your dcus or dpus.
4. If the error is still present exit the IDE and try to compile your application using the command line version of the compiler (dcc32.exe) from a command prompt. This will remove the unit caching of the IDE from the picture and could help to resolve the problem.
If the problem still exists, go back to the place where you last made modifications to your file and review the code.
Typically, most internal errors can be reproduced with only a few lines of code and frequently the code involves syntax or constructs that are rather unusual or unexpected. If this is the case, try modifying the code to do the same thing in a different way. For example, if you are typecasting a value, try declaring a variable of the cast type and do an assignment first.
Другими словами вспомни что ты написал до того как получил эту мессагу, и перепишы это заново, как-нить по другому
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Calm (2003-02-07 13:19) [2]
> Альф © (07.02.03 12:27)
> [Fatal Error]: Internal error: W2397
> Что-бы это значило ????
Помню, когда у меня на старой клавиатуре перестала работать кнопка F1, тоже тяжко приходилось...
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Calm (2003-02-07 13:19) [3]Кстати, иногда помогает полный bild проекта
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Альф (2003-02-07 14:25) [4]2DarkGreen © (07.02.03 13:01)
Самый умный - дааа ??? Нелр я и сам прочитать могу :(
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DarkGreen (2003-02-07 15:16) [5]Альф © (07.02.03 14:25)
Для тех, кто в бронепоезде повторяю:
Другими словами вспомни что ты написал до того как получил эту мессагу, и перепишы это заново, как-нить по другому
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Cobalt (2003-02-07 20:06) [6]Такое бывает, когда компилер "запутывается" в коде, видимо шибко намудрил 8-). Может, имеются вложенные процедуры, некорректно прописанные/недописанные var?
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OxOTHuK (2003-02-07 22:59) [7]где ругается скажи в конце-концов... кусок кода... етц
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Chlavik (2003-02-08 00:25) [8]у меня был такой глюк я пересмотрел код переписал его компактнее
и глюк пропал..
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aus (2003-02-08 09:21) [9]Еще помогает компиляция из командной строки
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