Текущий архив: 2003.09.11;
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ВнизВопрос по try...finally. Найти похожие ветки
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iNew (2003-08-29 06:10) [0]try
Source := FileOpen(FileName, fmShareDenyWrite);
if Source < 0 then
Возможно ли использовать Exit в данном случае?
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Anatoly Podgoretsky (2003-08-29 06:29) [1]Использовать можно и нужно, но первый FileClose надо убрать.
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iNew (2003-08-29 07:06) [2]Но если его убрать выплонится ли FileClose, который после finally, ведь если Source < 0, то выполнится Exit.
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Anatoly Podgoretsky (2003-08-29 07:12) [3]Да обязательно выполнится, хоть нормально, хоть в случае ошибки.
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Song (2003-08-29 08:37) [4]2iNew © (29.08.03 06:10)
procedure Exit;
The Exit procedure immediately passes control away from the current procedure. If the current procedure is the main program, Exit causes the program to terminate.
Exit will cause the calling procedure to continue with the statement after the point at which the procedure was called.
Note: Exit passes control away from the current procedure, not merely the current block. But Exit does not violate the flow of control dictated by a try..finally construct; if Exit is called inside the try clause, the finally clause is still executed.
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