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ВнизSOAP, Web-сервисы и Javascript Найти похожие ветки
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Dmitriy_D6 (2002-07-24 11:59) [0]Кто знает как написать на Javascript в HTML странице вызов Web-сервиса по SOAP и как обработать результат, не используя мелкософтовский Toolkit.
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kig (2002-07-24 12:38) [1]Попробуйте использовать это:
"Using the WebService Behavior
This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.
This article explains how to use the WebService behavior to call remote methods from Web Services. The WebService behavior is implemented with an HTML Component (HTC) file as an attached behavior, so it can be used in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 and later versions. Most of this article focuses on how to use the WebService behavior, but it also touches briefly on Web Services that are used by the WebService behavior. The WebService Behavior provides additional discussion and information on the main benefits and features of the WebService behavior; it also provides numerous links to related Web sites.
MSDN/PSDK/Web Development/Internent Development SDK/Behavior/Behaviors Library/WebService Behavior
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