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Текущий архив: 2005.03.13;
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ВнизRichEdit Найти похожие ветки
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dm37 (2005-02-28 10:35) [0]Подскажите, как в RichEdit добавлять текст с атрибутами (color,font_name,style), например:
RichEdit.Lines.Add("asdf"); // красный цвет символов
RichEdit.Lines.Add("ghjk"); // зеленый цвет символов
и т.д.
Нужно самому ставить теги или есть свойства объекта?
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КаПиБаРа © (2005-02-28 10:39) [1]F1 - TRichEdit.SelAttributes
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Erik1 © (2005-02-28 12:30) [2]А также:
procedure TAsp.AddText(const Text: WideString; Attrib: Attributs;
tSize: Byte; const FontName: WideString);
Var MyStyle: TFontStyles; MyFont: String;
MySize: Byte;
MyAlignment: TParaAlignment;
if Invisable = nil Then exit;
// MyAlignment := MyAlignment - MyAlignment;
if Attrib <> 0 Then begin
if (stNormal and Attrib) = stNormal then
MyStyle := MyStyle - MyStyle;
MyFont := "Times New Roman"; MySize := 10;
MyAlignment := paLeftJustify;
else begin
With Invisable.RichEdit.DefAttributes do begin
MyStyle := Style;
MyFont := Name;
MySize := Size;
MyAlignment := Invisable.RichEdit.Paragraph.Alignment;
if (stBold and Attrib) = stBold Then MyStyle := MyStyle + [fsBold];
if (stItalic and Attrib) = stItalic Then MyStyle := MyStyle + [fsItalic];
if (stUnderline and Attrib) = stUnderline Then MyStyle := MyStyle + [fsUnderline];
if tSize <> 0 Then MySize := tSize;
if FontName <> "" Then MyFont := FontName;
With Invisable.RichEdit do begin
WordAttributes.Style := MyStyle;
WordAttributes.Name := MyFont;
WordAttributes.Size := MySize;
WordAttributes.Charset := 186; //BALTIC_CHARSET Replase Cyrilic
DefAttributes.Style := MyStyle;
DefAttributes.Name := MyFont;
DefAttributes.Size := MySize;
DefAttributes.Charset := 186; //BALTIC_CHARSET Replase Cyrilic
With Invisable.RichEdit.Paragraph do begin
Case ((agCenter or agLeft or agRight) and Attrib) of
agLeft: MyAlignment := {$IFDEF RxLib}paLeftJustify;{$ELSE}taLeftJustify;{$ENDIF}
agCenter: MyAlignment := {$IFDEF RxLib}paCenter;{$ELSE}taCenter;{$ENDIF}
agRight: MyAlignment := {$IFDEF RxLib}paRightJustify;{$ELSE}taRightJustify;{$ENDIF}
Alignment := MyAlignment;
if (pgBullet and Attrib) = pgBullet Then Numbering := nsBullet else Numbering := nsNone;
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dm37 (2005-02-28 13:40) [3]Спасибо, все заработало
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Форум: "Основная";
Текущий архив: 2005.03.13;
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