Текущий архив: 2004.08.08;
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ВнизTMemoryStream.Memory Найти похожие ветки
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ИМХО © (2004-07-24 00:13) [0]У TMemoryStream есть свойство Memory:
Provides direct access to the memory pool allocated for the memory stream.
property Memory: Pointer;
Use Memory to get access to the memory for the stream. The memory for the stream holds the data that is being transferred by means of the memory stream. Size is the number of bytes of Memory that were allocated, and Position is the current position within Memory.
Note: Memory is a read-only property. Memory can be used to change the contents of the memory, but to set the actual memory the stream works with, descendants of TCustomMemoryStream must assign a pointer to a memory buffer by calling the SetPointer method.
Вот записал я в TMemoryStream через IStream определенную инофрмация, как теперь получить данные из TMemoryStream.Memory в виде строки?
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ИМХО © (2004-07-24 00:15) [1]определенную информацию
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ИМХО © (2004-07-24 00:21) [2]Усё, разобрался.
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Polevi © (2004-07-24 14:05) [3]TStreamAdaper на всякий случай
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