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Eliseev Andrey (2002-10-25 16:10) [40]Есть такая библиотека TetaPCHW ( http://www.geocities.com/tetasoft/).
Там есть все функции для работы с LPT включая установку IRQ.
Вот цитата из ReadMe.
procedure LPTEnableIRQ(IRQEnabled: Boolean);
Forces an LPT device to generate interruptions when ACK line(Pin 10) has a HIGH
electrical level.
TInterruptHandler = procedure (IrqNumber : WORD) of object;
property OnHwInterrupt: TInterruptHandler;
This is an event property which allows you to install your own application
handler for all IRQs. Note, due to Windows is not a verily multi-task system of
real time the time of delivery a message about an IRQ generated up to your
application interrupt handler is not assured.
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jonik pegas (2002-10-25 16:13) [41]Дополнение
Точнее наверняка можно это делать и на WinApi через DeviceIOControl но пока неясно как
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Eliseev Andrey (2002-10-25 16:16) [42]Есть такая библиотека TetaPCHW ( http://www.geocities.com/tetasoft/).
Там есть все функции для работы с LPT включая установку IRQ.
Вот цитата из ReadMe.
procedure LPTEnableIRQ(IRQEnabled: Boolean);
Forces an LPT device to generate interruptions when ACK line(Pin 10) has a HIGH
electrical level.
TInterruptHandler = procedure (IrqNumber : WORD) of object;
property OnHwInterrupt: TInterruptHandler;
This is an event property which allows you to install your own application
handler for all IRQs. Note, due to Windows is not a verily multi-task system of
real time the time of delivery a message about an IRQ generated up to your
application interrupt handler is not assured.
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Digitman (2002-10-25 16:22) [43]>jonik pegas
>>В Microsoft не учли ...
Да вот как раз и учли) ... Иначе - кому эта P&P нужна, спрашивается)...
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Пятачок (2002-11-04 06:40) [44]Ой мамочка!!!....
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