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Внизopc-client Найти похожие ветки
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kast (2003-11-25 12:09) [0]Есть ОРС-сервер. Есть ли такой контрол для ОРС-клиента? Если да сакжите где и как икак его достать со всеми DLL и DCU файлами.
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Adder (2003-11-25 12:33) [1]DOPC (OLE for Process Control Client) v.1.4 SW 543-544 Kb 24.12.01
DOPC (OLE for Process Control Client) v.1.4 SW 543-544 Kb 24.12.01
By Horst-Dieter Kassl. DOPC is an Delphi 5 100% VCL component to create OPC (OLE for Process Control) Clients.
This easy to use component enables to control, browse, read and write data, from any installed OPC Data Access 1.0 & 2.0 Servers. DOPC include many classes, properties, methods and events which enable users to create OPC Client applications rapidly and professionally with high performance.
Trial (work while IDE is running)
Source: On purchase/registration
Price: $290
Yandex - Поиск "OPC Delphi" - и лопату в руки
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Форум: "Система";
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