Текущий архив: 2002.01.10;
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ВнизClock and Date Найти похожие ветки
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DenKost (2001-09-27 20:45) [0]Как програмно изменить системное время и дату.Заранее благодарен.
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Alien (2001-09-27 21:24) [1]SetSystemTime
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DenKost (2001-09-28 01:01) [2]А немножко поподробнее можно?
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Alien (2001-09-28 06:53) [3]Help:
The SetSystemTime function sets the current system time and date. The system time is expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
BOOL SetSystemTime(
CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime // address of system time to set
Points to a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the current system date and time.
The wDayOfWeek member of the SYSTEMTIME structure is ignored.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
Windows NT: The SetSystemTime function fails if the calling process does not have the SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME privilege. This privilege is disabled by default. Use the AdjustTokenPrivileges function to enable this privilege and again to disable it after the time has been set. For more information about security privileges, see Privileges.
Что ещё может быть подробнее?
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Delphimun (2001-09-28 13:04) [4]Всё делается так:
// Функция (раздел Public) SetPCSystemTime изменяет системную дату и время.
// Параметр(ы) : tDati Новая дата и время
// Возвращаемые значения: True - успешное завершение
// False - метод несработал
function SetPCSystemTime(tDati: TDateTime): Boolean;
tSetDati: TDateTime;
vDatiBias: Variant;
tTZI: TTimeZoneInformation;
tST: TSystemTime;
vDatiBias := tTZI.Bias / 1440;
tSetDati := tDati + vDatiBias;
with tST do
wYear := StrToInt(FormatDateTime("yyyy", tSetDati));
wMonth := StrToInt(FormatDateTime("mm", tSetDati));
wDay := StrToInt(FormatDateTime("dd", tSetDati));
wHour := StrToInt(FormatDateTime("hh", tSetDati));
wMinute := StrToInt(FormatDateTime("nn", tSetDati));
wSecond := StrToInt(FormatDateTime("ss", tSetDati));
wMilliseconds := 0;
SetPCSystemTime := SetSystemTime(tST);
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DenKost (2001-09-28 15:05) [5]Всем спасибо!
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