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$hade (2003-12-26 13:44) [0]Собственно - как?
в draft-luotonen-web-proxy-tunneling-01.txt вычитал :
The tunneling handshake is freely extensible using the HTTP/1.x
headers; as an example, to enforce authentication for the proxy the
proxy will simply use the 407 status code and the Proxy-authenticate
response header (as defined by the HTTP/1.x specification) to ask the
client to send authentication information:
HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy authentication required
Proxy-authenticate: ...
The client would then reperform the request, and send the
authentication information in the Proxy-authorization header:
CONNECT home.netscape.com:443 HTTP/1.0
User-agent: ...
Proxy-authorization: ...
...data to be tunnelled to the server...
так вот что будет в поле "Proxy-authenticate: " ответа прокси сервера и в каком виде должен быть "Proxy-authorization:" в запросе?
basic bla-bla-bla?
или кроме Basic может быть что-то другое?
конкретно интересует вариант с ISA Server"ом...
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$hade (2003-12-29 06:11) [1]Удалено модератором
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