Текущий архив: 2003.03.03;
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ВнизЕсть ли у idHTTP свойство TimeOut ? Найти похожие ветки
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kofman (2003-01-13 16:46) [0]Можно узнать, есть ли у idHTTP свойство типа как TimeOut у NMHTTP?
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Reindeer Moss Eater (2003-01-13 16:57) [1]Есть
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kofman (2003-01-13 20:16) [2]А где оно?
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Reindeer Moss Eater (2003-01-14 09:00) [3]Там
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Chubais (2003-01-14 09:00) [4]ААААААААААААААААААААААААААА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Reindeer Moss Eater (2003-01-14 09:02) [5]property ReadTimeout: Integer;
ReadTimeout is an Integer property that indicates the number of milliseconds that the connection should wait for the peer connection to become readable using the protocol stack.
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?! (2003-01-14 09:03) [6]Нежданчик ... ))))
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?! (2003-01-14 09:04) [7]Нежданчик ... ))))
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kofman (2003-01-14 22:22) [8]Спасибо
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