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Форум: "WinAPI";
Текущий архив: 2003.10.27;
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Вопрос по ф-ии MsgWaitForMultipleObjects.   Найти похожие ветки 

iNew   (2003-08-22 04:20) [0]

Подойдет ли эта ф-ия, для того-чтобы определить изменился ли хандл на файл? Т.е было FileOpen = -1, а стало FileOpen > 0
И если можно примерчик использования.

Reindeer Moss Eater   (2003-08-22 09:13) [1]

The WaitForSingleObject function can wait for the following objects:

Object Description
Change notification The FindFirstChangeNotification function returns the handle. A change notification object"s state is signaled when a specified type of change occurs within a specified directory or directory tree.
Console input The handle is returned by the CreateFile function when the CONIN$ value is specified, or by the GetStdHandle function. The object"s state is signaled when there is unread input in the console"s input buffer, and it is nonsignaled when the input buffer is empty.
Event The CreateEvent or OpenEvent function returns the handle. An event object"s state is set explicitly to signaled by the SetEvent or PulseEvent function. A manual-reset event object"s state must be reset explicitly to nonsignaled by the ResetEvent function. For an auto-reset event object, the wait function resets the object"s state to nonsignaled before returning. Event objects are also used in overlapped operations, in which the state is set by the system.
Mutex The CreateMutex or OpenMutex function returns the handle. A mutex object"s state is signaled when it is not owned by any thread. The wait function requests ownership of the mutex for the calling thread, changing the mutex"s state to nonsignaled when ownership is granted.
Process The CreateProcess or OpenProcess function returns the handle. A process object"s state is signaled when the process terminates.
Semaphore The CreateSemaphore or OpenSemaphore function returns the handle. A semaphore object maintains a count between zero and some maximum value. Its state is signaled when its count is greater than zero and nonsignaled when its count is zero. If the current state is signaled, the wait function decreases the count by one.
Thread The CreateProcess, CreateThread, or CreateRemoteThread function returns the handle. A thread object"s state is signaled when the thread terminates.
Timer The CreateWaitableTimer or OpenWaitableTimer function returns the handle. Activate the timer by calling the SetWaitableTimer function. The state of an active timer is signaled when it reaches its due time. You can deactivate the timer by calling the CancelWaitableTimer function. The state of an active timer is signaled when it reaches its due time. You can deactivate the timer by calling the CancelWaitableTimer function.

Как видим, никаких хендлов открытых файлов.

Digitman   (2003-08-22 09:15) [2]

нет , не подойдет.
хэндл файла не является объектом синхронизации

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Форум: "WinAPI";
Текущий архив: 2003.10.27;
Скачать: [xml.tar.bz2];


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